1,223 research outputs found

    Using the Onitor® Track for weight loss : A mixed methods study among overweight and obese women

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    Funding Information: The authors thank the participants for their engagement with and significant contributions to this study. They also thank Cloudtag? for providing Onitor? Track test units, technical support (for the test unit and app) and comments on this paper. The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2019. Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Advancing Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador: Insights for Knowledge Mobilization and University-Community Engagement

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    In this paper, we provide insights for knowledge mobilization and university-community engagement based on the lessons learned from the Advancing Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador Project. Out hope is to provide a window into the experiences of academics as they navigate the complexities and politics of mobilizing research and engaging with diverse stakeholders. Despite the challenges of this work, presented by factors inside and outside the academy, it is crucial to enhance our capabilities if we are to maximize the impact of universities in linking theory, research, and expertise with critical social and economic needs, such as enhancing innovation

    Testing for All: An Exploration of Disproportionality in the Georgia Alternate Assessments

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    Public schools use standardized testing to measure students’ academic achievement at the conclusion of each school year. Students with severe cognitive disabilities are evaluated through the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA). The purpose of this descriptive study was to describe the demographic characteristics of students who took the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) and students who took the Georgia Milestones End of Grade Assessment (EOG) in English/Language Arts using publicly available data from the 2014-2015 academic year. Additionally, the study investigated disproportionality of certain student groups who took the GAA and EOG in English/Language Arts. A series of chi-square analyses resulted in significant overrepresentation of male, Black or African American, and economically disadvantaged students on the GAA. Our results indicated underrepresentation of migrant, limited English proficient, and Hispanic students on the GAA. Results of the present study have important implications for the student referral process and inclusion criteria for alternate assessment

    Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 8-9, 2017, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents Agenda for March 8-9, 2017 Contributed papers Soybean cyst nematode: current status, challenges and opportunities. G Tylka and K Bissonnette Updates of the 2nd SCN (Soybean Cyst Nematode) Coalition. Albert Tenuta Developing management zones for nematodes in soybean. C Overstreet, EC McGawley, DM Xavier-Mis, and M Kularathna Microbial communities associated with long-term tillage and fertilizer management practices. AY Srour, J Hackman, RL Cook, JP Bond, and AM Fakhoury Microbial profile of SDS-suppressive soils in soybean fields. AY Srour, LFS Leonardo, DK Malvick, JP Bond, and AM Fakhoury Understanding the phytobiome; using strip trials and spatial analysis to determine concomitant maladies in soybean fields. TN Spurlock and TL Kirkpatrick Update on the importance and management strategies of root-knot nematode in Arkansas. T Faske Student papers The effect of abamectin on maturity group V soybean varieties (Glycine max) in root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) nematode Infested fields of Alabama. W Groover, D Dodge, K Lawrence, E Sikora, and D Delaney Reniform nematode in the variable soil texture of a Commerce silt loam soil. DM Xavier-Mis, C Overstreet, EC McGawley, and M Kularathna Catenaria anguillulae: Potential biological control agent to aid in the management of Heterodera glycines (Soybean Cyst Nematode). DR Dyer, N Xiang, and KS Lawrence New charcoal rot management strategies: supplementing secondary nutrients. TH Wilkerson, M Tomaso-Peterson, BR Golden, S Lu, AB Johnson, and TW Allen The effects of cover crops on soil-borne seedling pathogens: a metagenomics study. JJ Hackman, AY Srour, JP Bond, RL Cook, and AM Fakhoury Plant growth characteristics and yield of soybean as a result of fungicide-associated phytotoxicity. WJ Mansour, M Tomaso-Peterson, A Henn, JA Bond, JT Irby, and TW Allen Evaluating thiophanate-methyl sensitivity as an alternative control option for QoI-resistant populations of Cercospora sojina in Mississippi. H Renfroe, N Brochard, M Tomaso-Peterson, and TW Allen Target spot and potential resistance to QoI fungicides in Mississippi soybean. N Brochard, M Tomaso-Peterson, TW Allen, BH Bluhm, B Dhillon, and TR Faske Target Spot Symposium Contributed papers Soybean rust: a threat to the soybean crop in the Midwest? E Sikora Effect of variety, seed treatment, and in-furrow fungicide on taproot decline of soybean. P Price, T W Allen, H Pruitt, MA Purvis, M Tomaso-Peterson, and T Wilkerson Coupling spore traps and quantitative PCR assays for detection of Cercospora sojina, the causal agent of soybean frogeye leaf spot. B Lin, A Mengistu, H Yu, and H Kelly Frogeye leaf spot management: the UUOT part deux. TW Allen, TR Faske, CA Hollier, D Mueller, P Price, TN Spurlock, and H Kelly Southern United States Soybean Disease Loss Estimates for 2016. TW Allen, CA Bradley, JP Damicone, NS Dufault, TR Faske, CA Hollier, T Isakeit, RC Kemerait, NM Kleczewski, RJ Kratochvil, HL Mehl, JD Mueller, C Overstreet, PP Price, EJ Sikora, TN Spurlock, L Thiessen, WJ Wiebold, and H Young Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

    Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 7-8, 2018, Pensacola Beach, Florida)

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    Contents List of SSDW Officers Agenda for March 7-8, 2018 Abstracts for contributed/presented papers Retrospective analyses regarding the impact of soybean diseases in the USA .TW Allen, PD Esker, and CA Bradley Diaporthe (Phomopsis) species on soybean: current status in the United States. Febina Mathew, Kristina Petrovic, Lisa Castlebury, Tom Allen, Gary Bergstrom, John Bonkowski, Carl Bradley, James Buck, Emmanuel Byamukama, Martin Chilvers, Anne Dorrance, Nicholas Dufault, Loren Giesler, Nancy Gregory, Heather Kelly, Nathan Kleczewski, Trey Price, Dean Malvick, Sam Markell, Daren Mueller, Damon Smith, Terry Spurlock, Kiersten Wise, and Marina Johnson New insights into the genetic underpinnings of pathogenesis in Cercospora cf. flagellaris. Burt Bluhm, Ahmad Fakhoury, Alex Zaccaron, and Kona Swift Evaluation of spore traps and molecular tools for a fungicide decision model for frogeye leaf spot. HM Kelly and B Lin Site-specific management strategies against multiple nematode species in soybean. C Overstreet, EC McGawley, DM Xavier-Mis, and JS Rezende Field efficacy of two new seed-applied biological agents for suppression of root-knot nematodes in soybean. Travis R Faske, Michael Emerson, and Katherine Hurd Evaluation of 418 soybean plant introductions with reported resistance to soybean cyst nematode for reniform nematode resistance. Robert T Robbins and Devany Crippen Studies on Soybean vein necrosis virus in Alabama. EJ Sikora, D Delaney, A Jacobson, K Conner, A Chitturi, and J Kemble Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photograph analysis to generate corroborating data in small plot soybean fungicide efficacy trials. P Price, MA Purvis, and P Washam Building a foundation for cultivar and fungicide selection decisions in soybean. HM Kelly Results from the 2017 Mississippi State University target spot fungicide efficacy program. TW Allen and TH Wilkerson Relating temperature and relative humidity in commercial warehouses to decline in vigor of soybean seed stored for late plantings in Arkansas. JC Rupe, JA Lee, A Palmer, RT Holland, J Robinson, RD Cartwright, and G Atungulu Seed treatment for sudden death syndrome management in soybean. Yuba R Kandel, Carl A Bradley, Martin I Chilvers, Febina M Mathew, Albert U Tenuta, Damon L Smith, Kiersten A Wise, and Daren S Mueller Evaluation of screening methods for soil-borne diseases of soybean (Glycine max) in west Tennessee. R Guyer, E Zuchelli, and H Kelly Abstracts for student papers An update on taproot decline in Arkansas. J Bailey, AC Tolbert, B Boney, and TN Spurlock Taproot decline of soybean is caused by an undescribed species in the Genus Xylaria. T Garcia-Aroca, P Price, M Tomaso-Peterson, T Spurlock, TR Faske, B Bluhm, K Conner, EJ Sikora, R Guyer, H Kelly, TW Allen, and VP Doyle Assessing pathogenicity and virulence of Xylaria sp. isolates from Mississippi soybean. H Renfroe, T Wilkerson, T Allen, and M Tomaso-Peterson Effects of mycovirus infection on virulence of Rhizoctonia solani in soybean. TJ Stetina, CS Rothrock, and TN Spurlock Is the emergence of Soybean vein necrosis virus linked to the re-emergence of Tobacco streak virus? C Zambrana-Echevarría, CL Groves, TL German, and DL Smith Is soybean vein necrosis a threat to soybean production? NR Anderson, MD Irizarry, CA Bloomingdale, DL Smith, CA Bradley, DP Delaney, NM Kleczewski, EJ Sikora, DS Mueller, and KA Wise Yield prediction in soybean fields using satellite imagery. B Boney and TN Spurlock Elucidating the race population structure of Cercospora sojina through genotypic patterns. Wagner Fagundes, Marcio Zaccaron, Alex Zaccaron, and Burton H Bluhm Impact of foliar fungicide applications in soybean fields across aggregated distributions of disease. M Patterson, AC Tolbert, and TN Spurlock Abstract for presented poster Assessing the genetic diversity of Cercospora spp. associated with Cercospora leaf blight of soybean in North America. Kona Swift and Burt Bluhm Southern United States soybean disease loss estimates for 2017. TW Allen, K Bissonnette, CA Bradley, JP Damicone, NS Dufault, TR Faske, CA Hollier, T Isakeit, RC Kemerait, NM Kleczewski, HL Mehl, JD Mueller, C Overstreet, PP Price, EJ Sikora, TN Spurlock, L Thiessen, and H Young Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers area published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and tables are reproduced as they were submitted by authors. The opinions expressed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of a trademark or proprietary products in this publication does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that product by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Appreciation is given to the staff at the University of Kentucky Research & Education Center, Princeton, KY, for their assistance in assembling these Proceedings